Thursday, 26 April 2012


Screw #etolls shem

Hahahaha... this woman is the one! I have a sneaky suspicion she's humming "bosso ke mang..."

My Top 5 Naturals

We all have our hair idols, be they natural, weaved or anything in between, here are my top 5 naturalistas in the public eye. All the women in my top 10 inspire me in my natural hair journey....who would make your top 5?

At number 5 is actress Viola Davis who became an instant hair idol as soon as a photoshoot she shot with ... made it to the web! (If you missed that, check it out here)  She further pushed the envelope when she chose to forgo her man-made tresses for her springy cropped natural hair at the Oscars even! Thatha wena maaaaan *V-Mash voice*


When sisters get it right!

If I have to explain why this pic is a winner, then o dom and quite frankly, you shouldn't be reading this blog!
(Note how the lady in the centre and the one on the far right separated what could've been a disastrous snake-print suit. Love it)

A double thumbs-up from moi

Un-Photoshopped pic makes the cover #YAYERS

Hats off to Harper’s Bazaar Spain, their April 2012 cover is a stand out and doesn’t feel in the least bit contrived, unlike most of the 'celebrity without Photoshop' covers that get marketed.

The photo was lensed by seasoned photographer, Nico.

56 year old Spanish actress, Ángela Molina is the au-naturelle cover star of the April 2012 issue of Harper’s Bazaar Spain. The cover shows Molina modeling a black leather trench (and, as far as I can tell, nothing else). Her hair is refreshingly undone - grey streaks and all - and her makeup muted enough that her beauty and bone structure serve as the focus. I'm not exaggerating when I say I found this cover arresting...somewhat hynotic...refreshing. If only we could see something similar this side of Africa considering we never fail to remind the rest of the world of how many "natural beauties" we claim are our own. If a woman of an age as ripe as Angela's can strike a front-cover pose for a publication as reputable as Harper's, why can't our younger, less life-experienced "celebrities" follow suite?

 I have nothing (much) against our local beauty Minnie Dlamini, but more gripe with local magazines who sell images of perfection to gullible and exceptionally sensitive tweens who forget how much make-up, computer software and expensive weaves are needed to attain much of what we're told is "beauty"! Granted, a personal brand is being pushed, money needs to be made, Louboutins need to be bought (and...and...and...) trust me, I get all of that! But local publications (and personal celebrity brands) need to conscientise theselves to the reach AND effect these heavily touched-up images have on their (esp young) fanbase!

There's really nothing to lose (except for the cakes of make-up and Photoshop ofcourse)
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